2010年11月24日 星期三

记事本 打开自动打印

记事本 打开自动打印
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


2010年11月11日 星期四

Office 2010 Active

reference article
關 於「KMS」服務器及其激活原理,我在此不必介紹,自己可到網上查。今天向大家提供的「KMS」服務器(由台灣破解小組首創),既不是設置於其它計算機之 上,也不必自己用VMware費力搭建。它,就是一個僅只76KB的小工具:通過運行「KMS」命令,全部激活過程發生在用戶電腦「相互對話」之間。鑑於 目前Office 2010「替換激活」不大完美,特將這個「KMS」服務器及其使用方法提供如下——


yuo can see http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4d7a63f40100hzps.html


1。關閉防火牆和正在運行的軟件,啟動「KMS」服務器「Keygen」(在Windows 7/Vista中須以「管理員身份」運行)。請注意;這是成功激活的大前提。

2。假如Office 2010安裝在C盤,直接運行下載文件夾中的「Office 2010激活」即可(在Windows 7/Vista中須以「管理員身份」運行)。假如安裝到D盤,則應修改「批處理」中的安裝路徑,將以下複製/粘貼到記事本,另存為「Office 2010激活.bat」並執行上述操作:

cscript "d:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\ospp.vbs" /inpkey:VYBBJ-TRJPB-QFQRF-QFT4D-H3GVB
cscript "d:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\ospp.vbs" /sethst:
cscript "d:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\ospp.vbs" /act

3。以上方法,業經多人多次實踐:絕對有效。假如因為不明原因,對於Office 2010多次嘗試激活失敗(出現「0x8007000D」錯誤),請進入註冊表編輯器,刪掉以下註冊表鍵 值:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform,重新(或修復)安裝Office 2010並進行激活操作。

——成功激活後,有效使用時間為180天。當180天到期之前,需要再次進行激活(又一輪180天)。採用「KMS」激活的「180天」運行週期,是微軟自打Windows Vista以來對付費「大客戶」一視同仁的規定。


——Microsoft Office 2010 Pro Plus、Project 2010 Professional、Visio 2010 Premium,最新內測版本號為14.0.4734.1000。最新內測版對以前兩個公測BETA版進行了錯誤修補,接近RTM並為5月12日正式發佈 做好準備。


——正式發佈後,在短期內不大可能有類似Microsoft Office 2007的完美破解激活方式,更不會有類似「VOL」正版激活密鑰流出。但願以上「KMS」激活屆時仍然有效,成為免費使用Microsoft Office 2010正式版的過渡方式。

附一:激活Windows 7企業版示例:

假如激活Windows 7企業版,在以「管理員身份」啟動「KMS」服務器的基礎上,再以「管理員身份」運行命令提示符,依次輸入以下命令:

鍵入:slmgr.vbs -ipk 33PXH-7Y6KF-2VJC9-XBBR8-HVTHH
鍵入:slmgr.vbs -skms
鍵入:slmgr.vbs -ato

2010年11月8日 星期一

Panda Cloud Antivirus for free


X:\Users\All Users\AppData\Panda Security\Panda Cloud Antivirus\PROINFO\eng\UpsPeriodic
\index.html 为 Index.htmll

X:\Users\All Users\AppData\Panda Security\Panda Cloud Antivirus\PROINFO\eng\UpsServices
\index.html 为 Index.htmll

under win7
C:\ProgramData\Panda Security\Panda Cloud Antivirus\PROINFO
C:\ProgramData\Panda Security\Panda Cloud Antivirus\PROINFO

2010年11月5日 星期五




2010年11月3日 星期三

Vista or Win 7 doesn't support RPC-1 firmware

上次刷了modified Optiarc firmwares with RPC1(註)
借了正版光碟回家看,WMP 12 ,K Lite Codec Pack播放都出現DVD Copy-Protect Failed
1) WMP 12 - "Windows Media Player 無法播放此 DVD 光碟,因為您的 DVD 光碟機、解碼器和視訊卡之間的數位複製保護發生問題。請嘗試解除安裝並更新視訊卡的驅動程式。"

2) K Lite Codec Pack - "DVD Copy-Protect Failed"

"All right after researching & testing, I am fairly sure that Vista or Win 7 doesn't support RPC-1 firmware

So in order to play DVD using RPC-1 drives, definitely have to use players like VLC which bypass all checks.

Alternatively, would be to flash back to RPC-2 firmware and install program like AnyDVD to circumvent the region code."

DVD-ROM 光碟機是 DVD 影像播放系統的一種,又可分為兩種類型:
RPC 第 1 階 (簡稱 RPC1):
RPC1 光碟機未內建可支援區域碼管控的硬體晶片,所以此類 DVD-ROM 不具有區域碼播
放限制 (可播放 “全區” DVD)。管控功能只能依賴解碼器來提供。
RPC 第 2 階 (簡稱 RPC2):
RPC2 光碟機在內建的硬體晶片中記錄區域碼的變更次數。一般說來,使用者可透過軟體
解碼器 (例如: PowerDVD 播放軟體) 最多可以更改 5 次區域碼設定。
至於區域碼的部分,全球共分為 6 區,每一區域碼所涵蓋的範圍如下表。一般在 DVD 影
第 1 區:加拿大、美國
第 2 區:日本、歐洲、南非、中東(包括埃及)
第 3 區:東南亞、東亞(包括香港)<<<台灣是3區
第 4 區:澳洲、紐西蘭、太平洋島嶼、中美洲、墨西哥、南美洲、加勒比海島嶼
第 5 區:東歐、印度半島、非洲、北韓、蒙古
第 6 區:中國

2010年11月2日 星期二


*.換成繁體中文請到start>controlpanei>regional and language options換成您習慣的地語系及語言





Superior XP64 Last Revival Edition is recommended over all older XP64 releases.
This is not "warez", no files are "cracked" in this OS and everything guaranteed
virusfree. Don't pay for this download. Don't trust other sources of this OS.
Upload was done on ThePiratebay, h33t and demonoid.

This is a clean SECURE thoroughly tested A/V & IT Expert's version of XP64.
Built upon Windows XP Professional x64 Edition retail SP2 (NT 5.2.3790.3959).
With inline *corporate* Volume License Key, so this release passes the
"Windows Genuine Advantage" checks, and a product key is NOT needed (see
AMD64WINNT.SIF on the iso if you need the key for Virtual installs). Have
a key of your own? Try this: http://magicaljellybean.com/keyfinder/old.shtml

Windows XP x64 supports up to 128GB of RAM !
This Windows version is designed to work with 64-bit processors from AMD and
Intel that support the x64 extensions to the x86 architecture. These include
Athlon 64, Athlon 64 FX, Mobile Athlon 64, Turion 64, Opteron processors from
AMD, and all Xeon, Pentium 4, Dual, Quad & 8 Core Intel setups with EM64T.

This XP is Multilingual User Interface ready (ALL Languages/Keyboard types!),
and is more complete than earlier releases, including Outlook Express and IE8 !
If you are a beginner, at least make sure your system is really safe:
This XP64 is intended for those who - like us - prefer a Classic minimal
approach, those who prefer OpenOffice, do audio- or video-editing, creative
and developing work, and/or those who generally wouldn't share their PC/laptop
with other users. You can however create new users and switch between them.
If you're the type that feels at home being Administrator
*all the time*, then this will be a Superior OS for you.

INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS (read before installing!)

Burn the .iso Image-file to DVD at 4 X speed or slower, use http://ImgBurn.com
No need to unpack anything, just burn the file directly, it's a boot-disc image.

( SHA1 of sxp64_revival.iso: d9352319111244b40ac382f3736bdfcefbb4fb4a
you can use http://www.slavasoft.com/hashcalc/ to check this )

A fresh Install is recommended. Repair or Upgrade of existing Windows installs
has not been tested, but functionality for running setup.exe is 100% available!

Power on your PC/laptop, press the button for the system to enter BIOS.
Make sure your mainboard BIOS Version is up-to-date.
Set Power Management (ACPI) to Enabled in BIOS.

Change the Boot sequence to DVD (CDROM) first, then Save and Exit BIOS.

'Press any key' when asked to boot with the DVD, and after about 5 minutes
you should Quick-Format the desired storage partition for SXP64 to NTFS.

-> You only need to boot from DVD once, DON'T Press a key at the next boot !

-> You will be prompted for the Regional Settings. ALL files for Keyboards,
internationalization, input-languages are available, MUI support available!

-> Don't take out your DVD before installation is finished. Give the computer
sufficient time to decide what it must do, a good setup takes some time.

If you want to put SXP64 on a SSD, make sure you pre-align the partition:
(Do this *before* you use the SXP64 install DVD..)

Is this version of XP really "Superior" to others ?
When you buy XP x64 Edition from Microsoft you'll get a rather old CD. So you
go to the Windows Update website and find out you need to update your system
with hundreds of patches, new drivers and so on. This update-process creates a
lot of extra slack on your harddisk, backups of previous versions of numerous
system-files and drivers, and roll-back options you'll never use, remain there.
Superior XP (SXP64) already has the latest versions of system-files built-IN,
ALL official XP x64 updates released until June 10 2009 are fully integrated!
Some parts of the original Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition were
bound to go wrong for most users, or were never being used, so these facts have
been considered creating SXP64, causing the removal of many files and updating
of the registry. All is improved in so many ways that it warranted a freshly
created install image to get better speeds and a more reliable daily workflow.
If your CPU and motherboard support x64 (64 bit), then this might
very well be the fastest Desktop/Workstation system you can find!

What also makes this install-image superior is the fact that many storage media
controller drivers are already integrated. This means you can install this OS
directly on new RAID/S-ATA/AHCI and SSD hardware without trouble or errors.


I n t e g r a t e d (pre-installed) into this XP64 release :

- Mozilla Firefox 3.0.10, with add-ons ConfigMania and AdBlockPlus
- Flash-player
- Shockwave
- Sun Java JRE 6u14 i586 & x64

- Internet Explorer 8 (plus all security updates and some settings we prefer)

- Windows Media Player 11
plus IE8 and Firefox plugins, extra smooth/safe with tweaks.

- Quicktime Lite 2.90

- K-Lite Codec Pack (klmcodec485)

- PSPad (5/12/2009) -> Brilliant freeware Text Editor, replacing Notepad.
Better than Editpad, textpad, notepad2 or notepad++
( notepad.exe is still there, under folder Base )

- Total Commander 7.04a (king of filemanagers, with 7zip and iso-mount plugins)

- WinRAR 3.9 x64

- JKDefrag64 (replaces the Disk Defragmentation tool from MS)

- ERUNT -> Auto-backups state of registry, this crucial tool in essence
replaces System Restore, and works a LOT better! Info on using ERUNT:

- Autoruns (right-click My Computer) -> Much better than using MSConfig

- PuTTy -> 64 bit SSH client, replacing telnet and hyperterminal.

- DirectX 9.26.1590 (64 bit & 32 bit)
Note that DirectX 10 for XP64 (plus a 9-10 Switcher tool)
can be found via the Superior folder on your Desktop !

- Cool Themes ( the Themes service needs to be started ) ..
* Embedded Theme from “Windows Embedded Standard CTP Refresh.”
* Energy Blue Theme Pack from Kelsenellenelvian's True Royale Addon.
* Royale Noir from Kelsenellenelvian's Royale Noir addon.
* Tablet PC Style adapted from MrNxDmX's Tablet PC Style Energy Blue Theme
Addon Pack with WMP10 Skin & Fedora Inverse.
* Zune Theme from ricktendo64's Zune Theme addon.
* Windows Aero Shadow mouse pointer scheme from Windows Vista.
(note that wallpapers have been replaced by some of our own)

UXTheme.dll has been patched, you can install any theme you want!

- Some more gorgeous unique Desktop Wallpapers included.

- Useful extra Fonts and Cursors!
We really LOVE these effective and lightweight cursors. And we work with this
font-set because these are the ones we prefer. We've seen too many systemfonts
not to know what's best for us. We also think the desktop background is really
cool and warm and has depth. We don't want fancy-ass useless bullshit on our
screens, we need our machines to work for us, deliver quality and save time,
not be paintings on the wall. So, still think we could give a rats ass about
YOUR taste? Please design your own OS and push out your (ugly) preferences.


Any driver available for Windows XP Professional x64 Edition works in SXP64.
SOME drivers, BUT NOT ALL, are included and compatible hardware is checked
during installation. Only drivers for your hardware will be installed.


Intel, Realtek, Broadcom, Atheros ethernet/wireless drivers,
Gigabyte and many Intel chipsets/boards essentials.

All Intel(R) SATA AHCI RAID Controllers (Version
JMicron JMB36X RAID Processor (latest!)

Forceware 182.85 WHQL XP 64 (all known NV GeForce videocards supported)
Ethernet Driver (v67.89) WHQL
SATAIDE Driver (v10.3.0.46) WHQL
SATARAID Driver (v10.3.0.46) WHQL
SMU Driver (v1.61) WHQL
GPU Driver (v181.51) WHQL
SMBus Driver (v4.69) WHQL
Away Mode Driver (v6.0.6000.107) WHQL

All Windows core drivers, AnalogDevices/Realtek Media, HD and SoundMax,
but NO other extra audio-chipset drivers are integrated !

Still missing drivers?

Try http://opendrivers.com and http://filehippo.com/ or ask the manufacturer
of your hardware brand about XP x64 drivers. They should supply them.
In most cases Windows 2003 x64 (server) and Vista x64 drivers work in SXP64 too.


- Windows Search 4.0 (don't know anyone who uses it..)
- MS Silverlight (pfff..)

- Windows File Protection = DISABLED, but security catalogs still in tact!

- Indexing Service = Disabled.

The following have been REMOVED (looks like more than it really is!) :

# Applications #
Accessibility Options, Briefcase, ClipBook Viewer, All Games,
Defragmenter (replaced by JKdefrag!)
WordPad -> Get OpenOffice instead: http://filehippo.com/download_openoffice/

# Multimedia #
AOL ART Image Format Support, Images and Backgrounds, Mouse Cursors,
Movie Maker, Music Samples, Old CDPlayer and Sound Recorder

# Network parts #
Some Communication tools, Internet Information Services (IIS),
MSN Explorer, Windows Messenger,
Peer-to-Peer (see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/l.../bb457079.aspx
^- does not have influence on normal P2P (µTorrent, randpeer, Tor etc.)

# Operating System Options #
Administration Tools Pack and Templates, Document Templates,
Color Schemes, Windows Tour, DR Watson,
File and Settings Wizard, File System Encryption (try TrueCrypt instead!),
IExpress Wizard, MS Agent, Out of Box Experience (OOBE),
Private Character Editor, Search Assistant (who ever uses this?),
Security Center (Windows Firewall is still there!),
User Account Pictures (use your own)

# Services #
Alerter, Messenger, Simple TCP/IP Services, System Restore Service,
Telnet (telnet.exe removed as well, try typing putty at Run

( Check "Last Session.ini" in sxp64 for the actual nLite preset used.. )


-> Most of you need the .NET Framework install - 2.0/3.0 SP2 + 3.5 SP1
which is on the DVD/iso ( under folder dot.NET ).
Simply Double-Click the .bat file in that folder and installation follows!

-> This OS boots without any graphics, because it's FASTER that way!
If you prefer the normal GUI stuff, take out /noguiboot /sos
from the boot-line in boot.ini

-> Commit Charge (Memory footprint) right after installation is ~120 MB !

-> Check the folder "Superior" on your desktop for lots of handy stuff,
like -for example- a file to set all XP x64 services to their Defaults.

There is a HUGE worldwide userbase supporting XP Pro x64 Edition,
for further updating, maintenance and advice, do check out these:

http://www. ryanvm. net/forum/viewforum.php?f=9

It turns out that a wide range of known applications, like those for Audio-
and Video- editing, encoding, mixing, muxing, BluRay/HD viewing and production,
as well as many scientific and no-nonsense apps used by media-professionals
and experts, in general, often perform faster and more efficient in XP64
than they do in Vista or Windows 7. Go XPx64 and make it better known!


- This OS has many sophisticated registered tweaks applied. View the file
"X64_2009.REG" in "/Base/" on your system disk for details.
Or go to http://paste2.org/p/251760

- Max Half-open Connections limit for TCP has been raised to 8192.

- Hibernate = disabled, but still usable.

This SuperiorXP64 OS auto-logs on with:

username: Administrator
password: june2009

You can create your own auto-logon using TweakUI, which can be found
in the folder dot.NET Tweakui needs to be installed first.
After that: Start Menu > Programs > Powertoys for Windows > etc. )



P.S. Many thanks to TPB, Dino Nuhagic, MSFN, Igor Pavlov, Ryan van der Meulen,
5eraph, Christopher L. Greer, Boooggy, Meowing, Kurt, Mike Edward Moras,
eXPerience, Iso-Tek, NewAge-OS and .:Y:.:A:.:B:. for inspiration and source(s) !

需要下載那個 Add-On Maker for Nlite 1.2.4 多語言版 程式(只有支援簡體中文沒有繁體中文)
在靜默安裝命令那裏我是加入 defaultuser=1 currentuser=1 /Q REBOOT=ReallySuppress
打包好用 nLite 將打包好了CAB檔案整合進 修補程序與升級整合包 裡面

但是有個缺點 原本187MB的MSI語系安裝檔案會變成 529MB(極限壓縮)~561MB(不壓縮)
另外我碰到一個問題,要是在開機後有設定安裝程式的話,因為有些設定並未改成中文,所以會導致所有中文字變成亂碼,defaultuser=1 currentuser=1 似乎沒作用,這會造成一些程式無法安裝,WPI選單也都是亂碼。

底下是第二個作法用的是 Windows Unattended CD Creator

把 0404.MSI 放在"軟體"那邊加入安裝後面加上參數(0804是簡體,0412是韓語)

原本是 defaultuser=1 currentuser=1 /q

應該是 defaultuser=1 currentuser=1 /Q REBOOT=ReallySuppress


另外,XP64在安裝 unicodea250 補完計畫時總會出現要我們進主控台做設定的訊息
我是把這個程式放進 Hotfixes 作預先安裝
3.firefox 會有安裝介面出現,非靜默安裝
6.換成繁體中文請到start>controlpanei>regional and language options換成您習慣的地語系及語言
--表示未加入整合 *有加入整合

KB961501:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB971032:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB973540:Windows XP X64 Edition 的 Windows Media Player 11 安全性更新*
KB973507:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB973815:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB971657:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB973869:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB956844:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB956744:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB971961:Windows XP x64 Edition 的 Jscript 5.8 安全性更新*
KB954155:Windows XP x64 Edition 的 32 位元 Windows Media Format Runtime 11 安全性更新*
KB975025:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB974571:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB974112:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB958869:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB969059:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB968389:Windows XP x64 Edition 更新*
KB973686:Microsoft XML Core Services 6.0 Service Pack 2 更新 (適用於 x64 系統)--
KB974318:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB974392:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB973904:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB973685:Microsoft XML Core Services 4.0 Service Pack 3 更新 (適用於 x64 系統)--
KB972270:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB975713:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB978037:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB975560:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB977914:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB978706:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB976662:Windows XP x64 Edition 更新*
KB980232:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB977816:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB981332:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB979309:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB978338:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB979683:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB978601:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB978542:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
Security Update for 32-bit Windows Media Format Runtime 11 for Windows XP x64 Edition (KB978695)--
Cumulative Security Update for ActiveX Killbits for Windows XP x64 Edition (KB980195)--
Security Update for Windows XP x64 Edition (KB979482)*
Security Update for Windows XP x64 Edition (KB975562)*
KB2229593:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
Security Update for Windows XP x64 Edition (KB982665)*
Security Update for Windows XP x64 Edition (KB2115168)*
KB2079403:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB982214:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB980436:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB2286198:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB981322:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB2121546:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
KB2347290:Windows XP x64 Edition 安全性更新*
Update for Windows XP x64 Edition (KB2158563)*
KB975558:Windows XP x64 Edition 與 Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition 的安全性更新*
Security Update for Windows XP x64 Edition (KB2279986)*
Security Update for Windows XP x64 Edition (KB979687)*
Security Update for Windows XP x64 Edition (KB2296011)*
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 8 for Windows XP x64 Edition (KB2360131)*
Security Update for Windows Media Player 11 for Windows XP X64 Edition (KB2378111)*
Security Update for Windows XP x64 Edition (KB2387149)*
Security Update for Windows XP x64 Edition (KB2360937)*
Security Update for Windows XP x64 Edition (KB982132)*
Security Update for Windows XP x64 Edition (KB981957)*
KB890830:Windows 惡意軟體移除工具 x64 - 2010 年 10 月--